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Joseph Smith III
Born 1832, Died in 1914

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Joseph Smith III, eldest child of Joseph and Emma Smith.

Joseph Smith III Frequently Traveled through Newark "Georgetown", Illinois, where my little carte de visite was printed (which I think is a picture of Joseph Smith Jun.). ​ 1866-1881, Joseph Smith III, the oldest son of Joseph and Emma lived ten miles away from J.S. Bibbins, in Plano, Kendall County, Illinois running the RLDS Church sect. Bibbins copied a daguerreotype onto my CDV sometime in the 1860s per the report above, and is missing a stamp, so it was not made between 1864- early 1866, the Sun Picture tax ended in August 1866. ​ My image could have been commissioned by the son of the Prophet as early as the year 1860 (before the Sun Picture tax), since we can place Joseph Smith III in the vicinity of J.S. Bibbin's studio as he noted being near Newark, Illinois early as Fall 1860. On pages 80-82 of "Memoirs of President Joseph Smith III", states that in October 1860 J.S. III was just outside of Millington, Kendall County, Illinois, roughly 2 miles away from J.S. Bibbins: ​ "In the fall of 1860, a semi-annual conference was called, to be held October 6, on the premises of Brother Israel L. Rogers, four and a half miles south and a little east of Sandwich [Illinois]… [pg. 80 of "Memoirs..."] “Brother Roger’s farm… was located on Fox River, a few miles from Millington, Georgetown [renamed as "Newark"], and that section of country known as Mission, in La Salle County, south and west of Ottawa. It was a region in which George A. Smith and William O. Clark had labored extensively in the early days of the church…” [pg. 82 of "Memoirs..." and page 527 of the Saints' Herald, April 23, 1935] ​ ​​ La Salle County was a place noted as having many Norwegian converts, in the Joseph Smith Papers, early as 1842.

Frederick G. Smith 
Born 1836, died 1962

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1860s Carte de Visite of Frederick Smith.

Alexander Hale Smith
Born 1838, died 1909

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Alexander Hale Smith in the 1860s

Alexander Hale Smith Grew to adulthood in Nauvoo, Illinois. It is noted that he  traveled very extensively in the 1860s and most of his life, for the Reorganized Church, but he is placed in Plano, Il. in 1869, when his daughter Emma Belle was born. Prior to Emma's death, Alexander settled his family in Missouri. 

Alexander is noted as having the daguerreotype of his father, after his sister owned it, in a letter to Joseph F. Smith in 1888. 

David Hyrum Smith
Born 1844, died 1904


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David Hyrum Smith, born November 1844.

Joseph George Smith
1877 –  1936
Grandson of Joseph Smith Jun.

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Grandson of Joseph Smith, son of Alexander Hale Smith, Arthur Marion Smith, born in 1880

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Joseph George Smith, born in 1877, Grandson of Joseph Smith Jun. 

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